Bexhill Bulletin WB 14/10/19

Ruth WaltonLatest News

Bexhill Bulletin

Autumn Term 2019/20 Week Beginning 14th October 2019

Spooky Disco

Please note this is on this Thursday

 Information for 2 year old provision/Nursery

- Children can come into school dressed in a spooky costume. There will be a prize for best dressed! This is optional, if your child doesn’t wish to dress up then they need to come in wearing their uniform please.

-  Please provide a party packed lunch containing snacks for your child to enjoy during the party. If your child stays all day they will have lunch as normal. The party food is just to enjoy with their friends during the party so please provide some snacks for AM and PM.

- Your child will take part in a range of party games.

- Please provide a £1 donation.

Information for Reception to Year 6

Reception and Year 1 children: 3.30pm-4.30pm You are welcome to come into school to help your Reception or Year 1 child get changed and then a member of staff will take your child to the disco.

Year 2 and Year 3 children: 4.45pm-5.45pm

Year 4, 5 and 6 children: 6pm-7pm

- Children may wear a spooky costume and there will be a prize per year group for the best dressed!  If children do not wish to dress up, then they are still more than welcome to attend!

Tickets are £2 and this is to be paid on the door please.

- Each child will receive a hot dog, drink and chocolate bar.

- There will be lots of party games with prizes to be won!

Remberance Day

When children return to school on the 5th November (after half term) there will be a selection of items (including poppies) for sale after school in the yard.

EYFS Launch Event

To launch our topic of 'Traditional Tales/Stories' in Autumn 2 we have organised a storyteller to come into school. The children love stories and we want to ignite their passion even further through this fun and interactive session. We would also love you to be part of it and to share this special time with your child.

This event is taking place in the school hall on Tuesday 5th November at the following times:

Reception DL (Mrs Lewis) 9am-10am

Nursery AM 10.15am-11am 

Reception AR (Miss Ridley) 1.15pm - 2.15pm 

Nursery PM plus childcare 2.25-3.10pm 

Due to space, only parents/carers can attend this event, please arrange alternative childcare for younger siblings/other children.

Anti Bullying Day

On the 12th November, we are supporting Anti Bullying Day, we are asking children to wear odd socks for the day to raise awareness.

Children In Need

This is on the 15th November. This will be a £1 donation and children can wear non uniform for the day.

Manchester United

Our children in Year 3-6 have been given the opportunity to attend a UEFA Europa League home game at Old Trafford in Manchester:

Man Utd v AZ Alkmaar – Thursday 12th December at Old Trafford

 The trip will cost £14 in total to cover transport

The children will travel via coach at 3pm and will get back into school approximately at 12:30am (traffic depending). We appreciate that this is a very late night, and will allow those that are on the trip to start school at a later time in the morning the next day if necessary. We thought that this trip would be an exciting opportunity for our children.

There is only a small selection of tickets available, so to ensure all children have the opportunity we will draw children out of a hat if it is over subscribed.

If you would like your child to attend then please fill in the slip below and return to school by Thursday 24th October. We will then let you know if you have been successful and then we will collect the payment.

Harvest Donations

Thankyou for all out Harvest donations. They are being collected this week for Sunderland foodbank.


Every week children compete for as many DoJos as they can get for good behaviour, attitude and work. They then trade them in our shop at the end of each term. On a weekly basis they compete in their family groups to see who has the most.

This week the winner was Mandela. Well done everyone!

Packed lunches

Please can you ensure children do not bring sweets, chocolate or fizzy pop into school. Several children are substituting sandwiches and fruit for these items. We are trying to teach children about healthy, balanced diets.

School Uniform

Please can I remind you that school uniform is skirts or trousers. Several girls are wearing leggings and these are not an option.

Shoes need to be plain black and several are wearing trainers with logos.


This week our attendance is 96%, we are delighted! Keep up the excellent work! Mrs Dimmick’s class (again!) won the attendance class award this week.

Parent Pay

You should have received a letter asking you to sign up to Parent Pay this week. Basically, it is an app that allows you to pay for dinners, nursery fees and trips without the need of having to send cash into school. If you have any issues with this please can you ring the office as only office staff have access to this.

Please note the children break up for half term on Thursday 24th November and return on Tuesday the 5th November.



10th - Y4 Swimming to start

25th/26th Macmillan Coffee Morning


7th - Y3 trip

8th - Harvest Festival (Y5)

11th October - Y5/6 trip

23rd - EYFS millitary Event

24th Spooky Disco

25th - school closed for inset. Children off fo half term and return on the 4th November.


4th  - Poppies on sale

4th - School closed for training day

5th November

EYFS launch event

12th - Odd socks day

15th - Children in need Day


3rd /4th parents evening

6th - Reception Class Xmas Play

9th - Panto production in school

10th - Y1/2 Xmas Play

11th SEN reviews

12th Y3/4 Xmas Play

12th Trip to Old Trafford

17th - Y5/6 Xmas Play

18th - Winter Wonderland

19th Xmas Party Day

20th - Break up for xmas Hols











