Amazing poetry; please read.

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Two of our Y6 boys were inspired by Poppy Day when choosing a topic for their poetry this week. Have a read… it’s brilliant!!

As I wear a poppy as red as can be, I remember those who fought for me.
The terrible trenches,the horrendous rain, constantly getting Shot at again.

Never sleeping, always awake, Lying undercover in the bloody lake.

Soldiers spreading head lice, Millions of Squeaky mice, Nothing nice to eat but stale old rice.

Propaganda spread all over the street, Soldiers travel to gather and meet.

As Hitler remains our countries enemy, He tries to beat us, unsuccessfully.

As people fly the Union Jack, The soldiers die under attack.
As they do our country proud, We keep the faith, singing loud.
Big bombs, the battle of the Somme, Yet our country still stays strong.

While Churchill smokes his hefty cigar, Soldiers travel to a far.

While doing our country proud, Sing their war songs really loud.

As the gruesome Nazi’s Gas the poor Jews, Our Great Britain refuses To lose.

Finally as the world comes to peace, The fighting eventually comes to a Cease.

The V for for Victory, The S for Shame
The allies and the axis will never fight again. Rationing ends, London mends

Finally the world is at peace again, Men come home. But they’re not alone.
While I write this poem I think of those Who rest in peace,
They fought for me, for my brother Lee,
And I will remember.

Two of our Y6 boys

Image: Poppies At The Tower Of London 23-8-2014 by Martin Pettitt is licensed under CC BY 2.0