Bexhill Bulletin WB 15/7/19

Ruth WaltonLatest News

Bexhill Bulletin

Summer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 8th  July 2019

 Dear Parents and Carers, 

The Summer is finally here! I would like to thank you for your support over the year. The children have been on some incredible trips, took part in some amazing shows, achieved well in their results and were able to show OFSTED  inspectors that we are on our way to being an outstanding school! Not a bad year!


The children have tried their best to spend the entire school budget this week on Do Jo Prizes and attendance treats, it was worth it though!


Our Reception Graduation, Y3/4 show and Y6 leavers assembly were, as usual, well attended and the children gave 100%!


Unfortunately, Miss Crowder is leaving us this year as she is going abroad to teach. We will all miss her, but wish her the best of luck in her new adventures.


If you need to order uniform, here is the link

If you have arranged for it to be delivered to the school, school will contact you for collection when it arrives.


We return to school on Tuesday 3rd September. 


May I take this opportunity to thank all the staff and pupils for their hard work and wish you all a happy and safe summer holiday.


Thanks Mrs Walton












18th- Reception parents topic launch
20th Nursery parents topic launch
26th - Macmillan Coffee Morning


2nd - Y5/6 trip to Beamish

15th - Photographer

16th October - Y1 phonics screening meeting

18th - (PM) Year 5 Harvest Festival

19th - Show Racism the red card day (Children to wear Red)

19th October -EYFS end event for parents  Breakup for half term
29th - INSET DAY
30th - Children return to school
30th - After School Spooky Disco

31st KS1 trip to Hartlepool Marina


5th November - Hand in unwanted clothes

16th - Children in Need Day

26th-30th -Half price book sale


4th Reception Trip

7th - Reception Nativity Show
11th - Pantomime in School
12th - Year 1-2 Christmas Show
13th - Nursery Christmas Wonderland Performance
14th - Christmas Jumper Day
14th - Year 3-4 Christmas Production
18th - Year 5-6 Christmas Show

19th School choir singing at the Bridges
20th - Christmas Party Day
21st - Break up for Christmas holidays


7th - Children return to school


11th-  Y6 Sats parent meeting

12th Feb - Valentines Disco

15th - Break up for half term 25th - INSET DAY
26th - Children return to school

       - EYFS- Forpaws


7th - World Book Day
11th - Scholastic Book Fair

15th - Red Nose Day



2nd April Nursery Trip

3rd - Y3 Easter Assembly

4th - Decorated Eggs to be in school

5th - Break up for Easter 23rd - Children Return to school

23rd/24th April Parents Evening


6th - Bank Holiday

13th Y6 Sats

17th London Meeting

20th - Wise Games (Y3-6)

24th - Break up for Half Term


3rd - INSET Day
4th - Children return to school

11th June Uniform try at TEA


3rd 0Y1 trip to Raby Castle

4th Y2 trip to Raby Castle

8th/9th meet new teacher

9th  - Y2 trip to Raby Castle

10th Reception Graduation

11th - Water Wipeout

12th July - Annual Reports to home

15th - Y3/4 End Event

16th  - Y6 Leavers

16th - 2 Year old and nursery Trip

17th  - SEN reviews

17th Sports Day (EYFS/KS1)

19th - Break up for Summer Holidays
