Bexhill Bulletin WB 11/11/19

Ruth WaltonLatest News

Bexhill Bulletin

Autumn Term 2019/20 Week Beginning 11th  November 2019

Dear parent/guardians,

Children In Need

Thankyou for you support with this today. We have raised £300

 Christmas Dates

All our Christmas dates have been released a while now.Please note there has been a change of date for our Y5/6 performance. This will now be at Town End Club on the 19th December.

Y1/2 Trip

Children will be participating in a Christmas session with staff and volunteers from West Boldon Lodge on Wednesday 4th December. Each class has a 2 hour slot that runs throughout the day beginning at 9.30a.m. and finishing at 2.30p.m. Children need to be in school at the usual time. The session will include outdoor activities, so please ensure your child is dressed appropriatelywith sturdy shoes, and appropriate clothing for the weather including a waterproof coat.

Also included is a visit to Santa. In order to make this visit extra special, please take the time to fill out the slip attached to the letter you received this week.

In addition to this, in school on the same day, the children will be taking part in a Polar Express experience. They will drink hot chocolate with marshmallows and have fun taking part in a variety of activities. A contribution of £10.00 is required to cover the cost of the bus and Santa’s Winter Woodland (including a visit from Santa). Payments need to be made no later than Friday 29th November 2019.


Every week children compete for as many DoJos as they can get for good behaviour, attitude and work. They then trade them in our shop at the end of each term. On a weekly basis they compete in their family groups to see who has the most.

This week the winner was Hawking


This week our attendance is 93%, this has been hindered due to a dreadful sickness bug where lots of our children and staff have been really ill. Hopefully they all feel much better very soon.

Parent Pay

You should have received a letter asking you to sign up to Parent. Currently we are still accepting cash, this will only be however until December 20th when we will be cashfree. Please ask at the office if you require your login details.







10th - Y4 Swimming to start

25th/26th Macmillan Coffee Morning


7th - Y3 trip

8th - Harvest Festival (Y5)

11th October - Y5/6 trip

23rd - EYFS millitary Event

24th Spooky Disco

25th - school closed for inset. Children off fo half term and return on the 5th November.


4th  - Poppies on sale

4th - School closed for training day

5th November

EYFS launch event

12th - Odd socks day

15th - Children in need Day


3rd /4th parents evening

4th - Y1/2 trip to Boldon Lodge

6th - Reception Class Xmas Play

9th - Panto production in school

10th - Y1/2 Xmas Play

11th SEN reviews

12th Y3/4 Xmas Play

12th Trip to Old Trafford

19th - Y5/6 Xmas Play

18th - Winter Wonderland

19th Xmas Party Day

20th - Break up for xmas Hols











