Bexhill Bulletin
Autumn Term 2018 Week Beginning 15th October
We can hardly believe that the first half of Autumn term is over already. Please remember that children are off school from today (Friday 19th October) to Tuesday 30th. Please note it is the Spooky Disco on the first day back to school.
Spooky Disco
On Tuesday 30th October there will be a Spooky Disco afterschool. Children may dress up and there will be a prize for each year group. If children do not wish to dress up, then of course they are still welcome to attend. No tickets are necessary. Children are to just pay at the door if they wish to come. All children need to arrive for their allocated slot. Entrance is £2. Each child will receive a hot dog, drink and a chocolate bar. There will be games and prizes to be won.
Reception and Y1 - 3:30-4:30
Year 2 and 3 4:45 - 5:45
Year 4,5 and 6 - 6:00- 7:00
Those children in Reception and Year 1 do not have a great deal of time to get changed. Therefore, you are welcome to come into school and change them in the classroom and then their class teachers will take them up to the disco.
Year 1 Phonics Meeting
Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the Year 1 phonics meeting. I appreciate time is precious but hope you found it both useful and informative.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club will continue to be at Bexhill Academy after the holiday. We feel this has been very successful and staff, children and parents have requested it to continue. Mrs Fullard (Headteacher of Town End) and I have agreed to this on a trial basis initially.
Many thanks for your support as always.
Harvest Festival
A great big thank you to you all for your generous donations. We were (as always) overwhelmed by your response. Streetcare are collecting during half term and are extremely grateful.
Well done to our Year 5 children, who put on an amazing show for their parents!
Y1/2 trip to Hartlepool Historic Quay
Years 1 and 2 will be visiting Hartlepool Maritime Museum on Wednesday 31st October 2018. The coach will be leaving school at 9.15 a.m. so please make sure your child is sent to school on time as we don’t want them to miss their trip! The children will arrive back to school in time for their usual finish time. Throughout the day the children will take part in workshops and discover how sailors (and pirates) lived. A contribution of £10 is required to cover the cost of the bus, entry into the museum and the workshops. Your child can come dressed as a pirate, so they can act the part when we go on board the HMS Trincomalee! Please be aware that some of the museum is outdoors and therefore your child will need a warm coat and hat. Your child will need a packed lunch which school can provide however if you wish to send your child into school with a packed lunch from home then that is no problem. Please provide your child with a drink however no fizzy drinks or glass bottles are allowed.
Year 2 have changed their PE slot for next half term. Their PE lesson will now take place on a Tuesday. Please ensure their PE kit is in school on this day.
Class DoJos
Children have been working hard all term to collect their DoJo’s this term. They have been shown a catalogue of prizes that they choose from depending upon how many they have received. Some children may choose to save their DoJo’s as they are wanting a bigger prize. The prizes will be given to those who need them just after half term.
Next term we will be asking you to sign up so that you can see for yourself how hard your child/children are working.
Behaviour Awards
The following children were chosen this term to attend a behaviour rewards trip for their super effort this term:
Destiny (Y4)
Devyn (Y6)
Ella (Y4)
Misha (Y6)
Harvey F (Y6)
Archie (Y4)
Alice (Y1)
Well done everyone!
Attendance Prize
Every half term, those children who have 98%+ attendance are drawn out of a hat to win a £10 voucher for a local Italian restaurant in Castle Town (Adrianos). This half term the winner was Niall Sampson in Year 6.
School Yard
Over the holidays we are having our Multi outdoor pitch built. We are very excited about this but are aware that this may cause congestion at home time. Please stick with us in the first week whilst we assess the situation to see if we need to make any changes.
Staff Absences
Unfortunately, Miss Lloyd in nursery has not been very well this term. Nursery have been taught by Mrs Stark who has now left us to start her maternity. We all wish her well and can’t wait to meet her little bundle of joy! Hopefully Mrs Lloyd will be back soon, but in the mean time will be covered by Mrs Di-Girolami, who is our Early Years Assistant Headteacher.
Well done to all our Y5/6 children in the school football term. They won (some would say thrashed!) their first three cup matches!
Poppies will be on sale the first week back – there is a variety of stationary too – look out for more information.
This week school governors set up their link governing roles. This term they will be present in school finding out lots of information and supporting the school in moving forward. We have a governor for Safeguarding, Looked After Children, Special Educational Needs, Teaching and Learning and Behaviour and Attendance. If you require any further information or are interested in becoming a school governor, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Raise cash for your school
Do you have any unwanted clothes?
The Firefighters Charity are collecting. All you need to do is put clean, dry clothing in one bag and paired shoes, belts and handbags in another. Then bring them to school before Monday 5th November.
On a slightly different matter…
Would you like more staff in your child’s class to help and support your child?
We can only do this with funding.
A large amount of our funding come from pupil premium money.
Unfortunately, only one quarter of our pupils are signed up to this due to the fact that their children are in Reception/Year 1/2 and get a free school meal anyway or their child is on packed lunches so they don’t think it applies to them. It still does matter - it matters to us and it matters to your child. Please sign up, we were £100,000 short in our budget this year due to parents not completing the application form. This could employ up to 6 more full time adults in school!
To apply for free school meals you must access the family portal on together for children at: or contact 0191 5611417 for additional support if you experience any problems or don’t have access to online.
Thanks for all your help and support this half term and we will see you very shortly.
Mrs Walton
18th- Reception parents topic launch
20th Nursery parents topic launch
26th - Macmillan Coffee Morning
2nd - Y5/6 trip to Beamish
15th - Photographer
16th October - Y1 phonics screening meeting
18th - (PM) Year 5 Harvest Festival
19th - Show Racism the red card day (Children to wear Red)
19th October -EYFS end event for parents Breakup for half term
29th - INSET DAY
30th - Children return to school
30th - After School Spooky Disco
31st KS1 trip to Hartlepool Marina
16th - Children in Need Day
7th - Reception Nativity Show
11th - Pantomime in School
12th - Year 1-2 Christmas Show
13th - Nursery Christmas Wonderland Performance
14th - Christmas Jumper Day
14th - Year 3-4 Christmas Production
18th - Year 5-6 Christmas Show
20th - Christmas Party Day
21st - Break up for Christmas holidays
7th - Children return to school
21st - Event
25th - Event
15th - Break up for half term 25th - INSET DAY
26th - Children return to school
7th - World Book Day
11th - Scholastic Book Fair 15th - Red Nose Day
6th - Bank Holiday
24th - Break up for Half Term
3rd - INSET Day
4th - Children return to school
19th - Break up for Summer Holidays