Bexhill Bulletin
Autumn Term 2019/20 Week Beginning 2nd December 2019
Dear parent/guardians,
Parents Evenings
Thank you to those who were able to attend Parents Evening, if you were not able to make it please arrange a separate time with your child’s class teacher. This week we will still be continuing with appointments for our end of term SEND reviews.
Parental Questionnaire
Thankyou to everyone who took the time to complete our parent questionnaire during parents’ evenings this week. There are further parent evening sessions organised for next week so we will wait before sharing the findings.
Currently the results are overwhelmingly positive which we are thrilled about. A very small minority of parents / carers did feel that there were areas that needed improvement and we would ask that if you do have any concerns about any aspect of our provision that you speak to us about them, so that we can ensure that your children receive the best that education can offer.
Christmas Jumper Day
Next Friday is our Xmas Jumper Day, we are asking for donations of £1 to go towards the ‘Save our Children’ fund.
If children wish to wear a festive jumper/ t shirt/ dress etc then they can and they DON’T need to wear their school trousers/shirts etc. with them. Please don’t feel the need to buy a jumper if you don’t have one. A bright jumper with tinsel etc. will do the job!
Reception Nativity
Well done to all our Reception Children who took part in their Nativity today. I’m sure you will all agree that they are a bunch of superstars and got us in the festive mood!
Y3/4 Xmas Performance – Thurs 12th Dec (1:15 – Town End Club)
Incredibly, it is nearly time for our Year 3 & Year 4 children Christmas Performance. To celebrate the end of our topic World War One, the children are going to perform a play about an incredible moment that happened on Christmas day at the Western Frontline of WW1, in 1914.
For this to work, we would like all pupils to come to our event in costume. We are hoping that pupils will get into the spirit of the play and get together a costume made from army/soldier clothing and black coats.
Any Green or black/navy coats would be brilliant, as would green or camouflaged shirts.
School grey trousers or skirts and our white school polo shirts will make up the rest of our outfits.
Trip to Old Trafford (Thursday 12th December
We are all getting very excited for our trip to old Trafford next week (Thursday 12th December).
We will be leaving school at 3pm as we don’t want to get stuck in traffic and miss the start!
- Children can be collected at 2pm and returned to school dressed ready for the bus leaving at 3pm, if you are unable to do this then your child can bring their items with them and get changed in school. It is the Y3/4 Xmas performance so these children will need to get changed in school as they won’t be finished for 2pm.
- All children will need a packed tea, no fizzy pop please. Sweets (not chocolate) can be given for the journey.
- Children need warm coats, hats, gloves etc
- Please ensure you are signed up to our school Facebook page or class DoJo so you can see our pictures and keep updated with our estimated time home
- Children do not need any money, please ensure they have plenty liquids.
- No mobile phones please, we will take photos and share them. We do not want them to lose them.
We are expecting to be back in school for midnight, however we can’t predict what the traffic will be like, so please look out for our posts and we will keep you updated.
The following day, we appreciate the children will be tired, but we do need them to attend school. If it impacts on our attendance, it means we won’t be able to repeat this opportunity. I know getting them up may be difficult, so we are allowing those on the trip to start a little later the following day. As long as they are in school for 10:30 then they will get their mark.
If your child requires any medication then please ensure you have completed a care plan before the day. If your child suffers from travel sickness then please ensure they are given by a parent beforehand or if they are in school a care plan is completed.
British Values
This week in assembly we have been thinking about the difficulties in our society. This week we looked at Transgender through a Text called ‘All I want to be is me’
Every week children compete for as many DoJos as they can get for good behaviour, attitude and work. They then trade them in our shop at the end of each term. On a weekly basis they compete in their family groups to see who has the most.
This week the winner is Hawking -well done everyone!
This week our attendance is 95% Well done to both classes in Y1 who got a 100% attendance.
Parent Pay
Please make sure you are signed upto this. When we return to school in January, there will be no cash taken for payments.
Children break up on Friday 20th December and return to school on Monday 6th January
10th - Y4 Swimming to start
25th/26th Macmillan Coffee Morning
7th - Y3 trip
8th - Harvest Festival (Y5)
11th October - Y5/6 trip
23rd - EYFS millitary Event
24th Spooky Disco
25th - school closed for inset. Children off fo half term and return on the 5th November.
4th - Poppies on sale
4th - School closed for training day
5th November
EYFS launch event
12th - Odd socks day
15th - Children in need Day
3rd /4th parents evening
4th - Y1/2 trip to Boldon Lodge
6th - Reception Class Xmas Play
9th - Panto production in school
10th - Y1/2 Xmas Play
11th SEN reviews
12th Y3/4 Xmas Play
12th Trip to Old Trafford
19th - Y5/6 Xmas Play
18th - Winter Wonderland
19th Xmas Party Day
20th - Break up for xmas Hols
6th - Children return to school