Bexhill Bulletin
Spring Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 21st JanuaryAnother short letter this week...
Reception Trip
Our Reception children are visiting St Peter's Church on the 26th February(pm) to link in with their topic.
Valentine's Disco
There will be an after school Valentine Disco on the 12th February - look out more details to follow.
Next week traffic cones will be outside of school to help the parkng congestion. Thanks for all your support and help in this matter. I know it has been very frustrating.
This week the attendance was 94%
Miss Hoods's class won the attendance award
Well done to Austen House who won the cup again this week by collecting so many Class Dojo's!
British Values
This week we have read a story called 'Tango makes Three'. This story taught children about family dynamics and samesex relationships.
Our core Values this week that we have focussed on resiliance, kind and tolerance
Have a lovely weekend
18th- Reception parents topic launch
20th Nursery parents topic launch
26th - Macmillan Coffee Morning
2nd - Y5/6 trip to Beamish
15th - Photographer
16th October - Y1 phonics screening meeting
18th - (PM) Year 5 Harvest Festival
19th - Show Racism the red card day (Children to wear Red)
19th October -EYFS end event for parents Breakup for half term
29th - INSET DAY
30th - Children return to school
30th - After School Spooky Disco
31st KS1 trip to Hartlepool Marina
5th November - Hand in unwanted clothes
16th - Children in Need Day
26th-30th -Half price book sale
4th Reception Trip
7th - Reception Nativity Show
11th - Pantomime in School
12th - Year 1-2 Christmas Show
13th - Nursery Christmas Wonderland Performance
14th - Christmas Jumper Day
14th - Year 3-4 Christmas Production
18th - Year 5-6 Christmas Show
19th School choir singing at the Bridges
20th - Christmas Party Day
21st - Break up for Christmas holidays
7th - Children return to school
12th Feb - Valentines Disco
15th - Break up for half term 25th - INSET DAY
26th - Children return to school
26th March - Reception visit to church
7th - World Book Day
11th - Scholastic Book Fair 15th - Red Nose Day
6th - Bank Holiday
24th - Break up for Half Term
3rd - INSET Day
4th - Children return to school
19th - Break up for Summer Holidays