Bexhill Bulletin
Autumn Term 2018 Week Beginning 23rd SeptemberHi, welcome back ... Please note new dates added to the calendar this week are in red.
We have filled all our spaces for London (Y5/6). Every child who has paid a deposit has been successful in gaining a place. A payment card and letter should have come home today.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Thanks you to all the kind parents and staff who donated so many delicious cakes for our coffee morning. The standard was high and there were some awesome efforts! We sold lots and we managed to raise a grand total of £ 532.71. Well done everyone - another terrific charity which has benefitted from all your generosity!
Key Stage 1
Our Year 1/2 children will be visiting Hartlepool Marina as part of their pirate topic. This will be on the 31st October (Just after half term). A letter will be coming home shortly with all the details on.
Please do not park on our yellow lines, we nearly had an accident yesterday when a child ran between the cars. Please park up the road where it is safer and away from the crossings.
Also we would like to welcome you and your child to take part in the ‘Sponsored Superhero Obstacle Course’. During this event your child will complete a superhero themed obstacle course with challenges throughout. We would really appreciate it if you could get your family and friends to sponsor your child to help us raise some money for our Early Years unit. We will use every single penny we raise to benefit the children and they will have a say in what we spend the money on!
Children who attend morning only on a Friday will take part 10.10am-11am.
Children who attend on an afternoon or access a full day on a Friday will take part 2.25pm-3.10pm.
Class AR will take part in the morning 9.15am-10.00am.
Class LC will take part in the afternoon 1.30pm-2.15pm.
Year 3/4 Swimming - For those children who do not already have a swimming cap, CVEA sell them for £1.60.
This weeks attendance is 94% This is way below where it needs to be. Attendance in school is vital for your child to succeed. Out of 14 primary schools we are the worst by far 🙁
The class who won the attendance award this week was Mrs Dimmick with 99.6%
The winner of the house cup this week goes to Darling House (AGAIN!!!!)
Our Year 5/6 children will be attending Beamish to launch their topic. This trip will cost £13 and will take place on Tuesday 2nd October. The children will be late returning back to school (4:40pm) to ensure that we get our moneys worth by completing 3 workshops!
Contact sheets
We have several parents who have not updated their contact sheets. We have sent them out again. Please can these be returned asap. If you have misplaced it please ask at the Main office.
We have booked the photographer in earlier than usual as many parents said they would like the photos for presents etc. The photographer is booked in for 15th October. As usual all siblings (including babies) will be done before school. All pupils will then have their individual photos taken. If you wish for this not to happen then please let our school office know.
Karate Club
This Wednesday we will be having an assembly from Dokan Karate Club. A karate club will be launched as a NEW after school club which will run all year. This club will take place on Monday night. look out for more information heading your way. Your child could soon be a black belt !!!
We need your help!!!!
Your school needs you!
Our EYFS outside area is in desperate need of a tidy up and some keen hands to keep it tidy as it is bigger than we are used to and it's extremely hard to keep on top of!
Do you have a couple of hours once a week spare?
Are you a keen gardener?
Are you handy in the outdoor area?
If so, please leave your details in a private facebook message on our school page or leave your details at the main office.
Many hands make light work!
18th- Reception parents topic launch
20th Nursery parents topic launch
26th - Macmillan Coffee Morning
2nd - Y5/6 trip to Beamish
15th - Photographer
18th - (PM) Year 5 Harvest Festival19th - Show Racism the red card day (Children to wear Red)
19th - EYFS Superhero day
19th - October Breakup for half term
29th - INSET DAY
30th - Children return to school
30th - After School Spooky Disco
31st KS1 trip to Hartlepool Marina
16th - Children in Need Day
7th - Reception Nativity Show
11th - Pantomime in School
12th - Year 1-2 Christmas Show
13th - Nursery Christmas Wonderland Performance
14th - Christmas Jumper Day
14th - Year 3-4 Christmas Production
18th - Year 5-6 Christmas Show
20th - Christmas Party Day
21st - Break up for Christmas holidays
7th - Children return to school
21st - Event
25th - Event
15th - Break up for half term 25th - INSET DAY
26th - Children return to school
7th - World Book Day
11th - Scholastic Book Fair 15th - Red Nose Day
6th - Bank Holiday
24th - Break up for Half Term
3rd - INSET Day
4th - Children return to school
19th - Break up for Summer Holidays