Bexhill Bulletin
Autumn Term 2019/20 Week Beginning 23rd September 2019
Year 3 Trip
On 7th October to support the work we are doing in our ‘WW1 topic this term, your child is going on an educational visit to the only WW1 outdoor museum in Heugh! The Heugh Battery Museum offers an amazing opportunity for our children to come and learn about the impact of World War One on the civilian population as well as about the experience of soldiers serving their country in many different conflicts.
Our children will participate in activities both indoors and out whilst at the museum. They will get the chance to hold items such as hand grenades, steel helmets, rifles and shells. Children will also be encouraged to ask lots of questions whilst visiting the museum, which will hopefully help underpin learning taking place back at Bexhill.
Our workshops will include:
A tour of the Battery site, which will explain the significance of the Bombardment in The First World War.
The Trench Experience. Guided tour and explanation of life in the trenches; 1916 Somme Trench.
Weapon handling and talk on basic uniforms with decommissioned firearms. From (1914-1918).
Animals at war (No live animals will be involved in the workshop).
Children need to be at school for normal time and we will return before 3:15pm. Children will need a packed lunch (if your child receives free school meals a packed lunch will be provided for them). No spending money is needed for this trip.
The cost of the visit is £10.00 (which includes: entry fee, workshops and transport). We ask that you please return the permission slip by Friday 27 th September. If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Year 5/6 trip
Our WW2 topic is now in full swing, with Y5 and Y6 children learning all about the outbreak of war last week.
We have finally been able to arrange an amazing opportunity as an opening ‘event’ to the topic. We have arranged on Friday 11 th October, for your child to be an evacuee for the day! We have organised a day trip to Eden Camp World War Two Museum (Malton, North Yorkshire), as well as an ‘evacuation experience’ Steam train ride from Pickering village to Grosmont village (North Yorkshire) during their WW2 weekend.
For our trip (and for our ‘VE celebration tea party’ End Event, which will take place on 17 th December), we would like your child to get dressed up as a 1940’s child. This does not have to be a bought costume and can be made up with old clothes, such as school trousers, a shirt and a woolly jumper. All Y5 & Y6 staff will also be dressed up!
Children need to be at school for 8:45am prompt, and we hope to return by 5:00pm. Children will need a packed lunch (if your child receives free school meals a packed lunch can be provided for them) and spending money, if you wish. If you wish children can bring a maximum of £5 spending money for the gift shop. A check-list will be sent out the week of the visit.
After saying our goodbyes to parents, we will take a coach to Grosmont Train Station, where we will experience Pickering’s ‘Wartime weekend’, where everyone will be dressed in 1940’s clothing like us. We will take our Steam train journey to Pickering Station, experiencing a full recreation of the 1940’s.
After a short journey through Pickering, looking at some of the exhibits, we will re-join our coach and head for Eden Camp World War Two Museum, where our visit will consist of exploring the 33 themed huts which provide information and exhibits on different aspect of World War Two. We will leave for home at around 3.30pm
Luckily, school is subsidising some of the cost, which reduces the price for parents. The cost of the visit is £15 (which includes: entry fee, train experience ride and coach transport). We ask that you please return the permission slip by Wednesday 9 th October. If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You may want to learn more from the web-sites: ,
This week our attendance is 97%, we are delighted! Keep up the excellent work!
Harvest Festival
On Tuesday 8th October our Y5 children are doing an assembly for parents to celebrate Harvest. This starts at 9:30, please enter through the main reception. No tickets or money is necessary.
Harvest Donations
We are starting our collection for food donations for Streetcare as part of our Harvest celebrations. If you can donate tins or dried foods (pasta, rice etc.) we would be extremely grateful! Please send any donations into school with your child by 18.10.19. Thank you for your continued support, we really do appreciate it!!!
There is a parent governor position now available. This is an opportunity for a parent to join out meetings and not only learn about our school but also to help towards the running and management of it. You would need to attend 5 meetings a year. If you are interested please let our school office know and we will get a pack sent to you with more detailed information.
Parent Pay
You should have received a letter asking you to sign up to Parent Pay this week. Basically, it is an app that allows you to pay for dinners, nursery fees and trips without the need of having to send cash into school. This online method will be going live from Monday. If you haven’t already done so please can you sign up to this asap as we are hoping to minimise cash payments in school where possible.
Every week children compete for as many DoJos as they can get for good behaviour, attitude and work. They then trade them in our shop at the end of each term. On a weekly basis they compete in their family groups to see who has the most.
This week the winner was Darling.
Children throughout school have been voting for their house captains. We have watched all the videos and the children will find out during Mondays assembly who has been elected.
Class DoJo
If you are a new parent at Bexhill or did not sign up to this last year, you should have had a code sent home. If you haven’t please let an adult know and we will help you get up and running.
Not only can you see how well your child is doing in class behaviour wise, you can also communicate with staff.
Please ensure your child locks their bikes and scooters away, unfortunately we have had some taken. There is also a scooter that has been in school for quite a long time which we have stored safely. Please let Mrs Walton know if you have lost one.
PE Kits
Please can you ensure your child has a school PE kit in school. There are several children (particularly in Y5/6) who don’t have one in school at all or are wearing what they like. Please can this be in school from Monday so that PE lessons can go ahead safely.
Water bottles
We encourage children to drink plenty water throughout the day. Please can you ensure your child has a water bottle n school and that it is filled with water only please. Several children have started to being cordial juice and, in some cases, fizzy pop. Our policy states water only, so please can you refrain from sending anything else in.
These are not permitted in school for health and safety reasons. Please ensure they are taken out on for school each day. We have some children in Y4 who are unable to go swimming for this reason.
10th - Y4 Swimming to start
25th/26th Macmillan Coffee Morning
7th - Y3 trip
8th - Harvest Festival (Y5)
11th October - Y5/6 trip
24th Spooky Disco
25th - school closed for inset. Children off fo half term and return on the 4th November.
4th - Poppies on sale
4th - School closed for training day
15th - Children in need Day
3rd /4th parents evening
6th - Reception Class Xmas Play
9th - Panto production in school
10th - Y1/2 Xmas Play
11th SEN reviews
12th Y3/4 Xmas Play
17th - Y5/6 Xmas Play
18th - Winter Wonderland
19th Xmas Party Day
20th - Break up for xmas Hols