Bexhill Bulletin
Autumn Term 2019/20 Week Beginning 7th October 2019
Spooky Disco (October 24th)
Information for 2 year old provision/Nursery
- Children can come into school dressed in a spooky costume. There will be a prize for best dressed! This is optional, if your child doesn’t wish to dress up then they need to come in wearing their uniform please.
- Please provide a party packed lunch containing snacks for your child to enjoy during the party. If your child stays all day they will have lunch as normal. The party food is just to enjoy with their friends during the party so please provide some snacks for AM and PM.
- Your child will take part in a range of party games.
- Please provide a £1 donation.
Information for Reception to Year 6
Reception and Year 1 children: 3.30pm-4.30pm You are welcome to come into school to help your Reception or Year 1 child get changed and then a member of staff will take your child to the disco.
Year 2 and Year 3 children: 4.45pm-5.45pm
Year 4, 5 and 6 children: 6pm-7pm
- Children may wear a spooky costume and there will be a prize per year group for the best dressed! If children do not wish to dress up, then they are still more than welcome to attend!
- Tickets are £2 and this is to be paid on the door please.
- Each child will receive a hot dog, drink and chocolate bar.
- There will be lots of party games with prizes to be won!
EYFS Event
Nursery and Reception squadron have been drafted by Squad Sergeant Growl to report to duty!
The mission includes:
- Crawling through the deep dark jungle
- Hopping through tyres
- Jumping over fallen trees
Dress: All soldiers must come dressed in their Amy uniform. (Camouflage, dark clothing, boots/old trainers)
Please bring your Bexhill uniform and shoes to change into after the drill.
If you fail this mission you will be ordered to complete 5 press ups!
Good Luck!
Date: Wednesday 23rd October
Location: Bexhill military field
Anti Bullying Day
On the 12th November, we are supporting Anti Bullying Day, we are asking children to wear odd socks for the day to raise awareness.
We have trialed a new system for lunches this week and it has been resoundingly successful. Packed lunch children now enjoy their dinners in a classroom with children from their phase team ( eg KS1, Year 3 / 4 and Y 5 /6). As a result, there are fewer children in the hall for dinners which has resulted in a more calm and ordered lunch experience for all.
EYFS donations
In EYFS we have started a home reading library where the children get to choose a story book to take home for the weekend. We are also developing a technology area full of different technological toys, e.g. toy mobile phones, remote control toys, musical books etc. If you have any age appropriate story books or technological toys for 2-5 year olds that you would like to donate then please let us know as we would greatly appreciate this.
Our supply of spare clothes is running extremely low. If you have any clothes, including tights and socks for 2-7 year olds that you no longer use then again we would really appreciate any donations. If you have a child in EYFS then please remember to have a spare set of clothes on your child's peg at all times, including underwear.
School of the Week
Our school are on Sun FM (either next week or the week after, it hasn’t been confirmed) playing the game ‘small talk’. We will let you know as soon as we know the date.
This week our attendance is 96%, we are delighted! Keep up the excellent work! Mrs Dimmick’s class won the attendance class award this week.
Harvest Festival
Well done to our Y5 pupils who took part in our Harvest Festival assembly this week and thankyou to all those parents that supported them.
Harvest Donations
We are starting our collection for food donations for Streetcare as part of our Harvest celebrations. If you can donate tins or dried foods (pasta, rice etc.) we would be extremely grateful! Please send any donations into school with your child by 18.10.19. Thank you for your continued support, we really do appreciate it!!!
Children in Need
This year for Children in Need we are having a non uniform day. Suggested donation is £1 per child. This will take place on November 15th
There is a parent governor position now available. This is an opportunity for a parent to join out meetings and not only learn about our school but also to help towards the running and management of it. You would need to attend 5 meetings a year. If you are interested please let our school office know and we will get a pack sent to you with more detailed information.
Parent Pay
You should have received a letter asking you to sign up to Parent Pay this week. Basically, it is an app that allows you to pay for dinners, nursery fees and trips without the need of having to send cash into school. If you have any issues with this please can you ring the office as only office staff have access to this.
Every week children compete for as many DoJos as they can get for good behaviour, attitude and work. They then trade them in our shop at the end of each term. On a weekly basis they compete in their family groups to see who has the most.
This week the winner was Austen.
Children throughout school have been voting for their house captains. The winners are:
Austen – Jack Huntrods
Darling – Grace Wood
Mandela – Charlie Hunter
Hawking- Molly Daymond
Congratulations to you all - we know you will do an amazing job.
PE Kits
Please can you ensure your child has a school PE kit in school. There are several children (particularly in Y5/6) who don’t have one in school at all or are wearing what they like. Please can this be in school from Monday so that PE lessons can go ahead safely.
Water bottles
We encourage children to drink plenty water throughout the day. Please can you ensure your child has a water bottle n school and that it is filled with water only please. Several children have started to being cordial juice and, in some cases, fizzy pop. Our policy states water only, so please can you refrain from sending anything else in.
These are not permitted in school for health and safety reasons. Please ensure they are taken out on for school each day. We have some children in Y4 who are unable to go swimming for this reason.
10th - Y4 Swimming to start
25th/26th Macmillan Coffee Morning
7th - Y3 trip
8th - Harvest Festival (Y5)
11th October - Y5/6 trip
23rd - EYFS millitary Event
24th Spooky Disco
25th - school closed for inset. Children off fo half term and return on the 4th November.
4th - Poppies on sale
4th - School closed for training day
12th - Odd socks day
15th - Children in need Day
3rd /4th parents evening
6th - Reception Class Xmas Play
9th - Panto production in school
10th - Y1/2 Xmas Play
11th SEN reviews
12th Y3/4 Xmas Play
17th - Y5/6 Xmas Play
18th - Winter Wonderland
19th Xmas Party Day
20th - Break up for xmas Hols