Hello and welcome to Key Stage 1
Our aim is to provide your children with an engaging and progressive curriculum to enthuse and inspire them to learn more about the world around them. Our exciting Key Stage 1 curriculum offers our children the opportunity to develop lots of skills and knowledge to prepare them for Key Stage 2 and life beyond Bexhill.
We are made up of two year groups (Y1 and Y2) and work together on many experiences to enhance our curriculum.
The children work in different classes for different lessons to allow us to support their needs. Every morning, we teach reading through a phonics scheme called Read, Write Inc. to prepare our children in Year 1 for their Phonics Screening Check (a statutory assessment) at the end of the year to test their phonics skills. We use White Rose Hub to enhance our maths education.
We know that play and exploration promotes brain development and confidence and competences are developed through play for young children, therefore our children in Key Stage 1 have a morning break and an afternoon break.
Our curriculum is enhanced by our PSHE and Citizenship Scheme which teaches our children about British Values, global citizenship and the protected characteristics through picture books. The stories are then discussed in detail in the classroom at an appropriate level specific to their year group and shared with you via our school newsletter.