School gains Silver award!


The irrepressible Mrs Potts has been extremely busy over the last two terms setting up various activities with your children, and, amazingly, they have just secured Silver ‘Eco-School’ status!

To gain the silver award, the children have spent time in the last week completing various tasks: details are here, and photos below!

In Nursery, after watching the video ‘ Charlie and Lola look after planet Earth,’ the children were stimulated to participate in a range of learning experiences about how to look after our planet therefore creating a more sustainable way of life.  We loved designing posters about the importance of looking after our environment.

In Reception, we went on an environment walk to identify what we liked and what we could change.  We then went on a litter pick and designed posters about the importance of looking after our environment and that we should keep our environment clean and tidy.

In Year 1, we talked about ways to keep healthy and safe.  We sorted food into different food groups and the importance of including these into our diets.  From this, we then created our own meal ensuring that we had something from each food group on our plate.

As a class, in Year 2, we investigated different food types and planned what a healthy picnic would consist of.  We designed our own picnics, labeled them then thoroughly enjoyed sampling a range of delicious, healthy treats!

In Year 3 and 4, we looked at ways to save energy and appointed an energy monitor. We discussed what would happen if we continued to waste electricity.  We then designed posters to encourage people to save electricity and discussed the importance of looking after our planet.

In Year 5, we appointed energy and water monitors and talked about the importance of saving energy and water.  We designed posters to raise awareness about the impact of saving energy and water on our environment.

In Year 6, during topic we have been learning about the water cycle. We worked as a class to design a school Eco-Code.  We are very proud of the end result!

Eco Display Nursery Nursery1 Rec Environment Walk Rec Litter Pick Rec Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 and 4 Year 5 1 Year 5 Year 6 - Eco Code Year 6