Bexhill Bulletin WB 16/9/19

Ruth WaltonLatest News

Bexhill Bulletin

Autumn Term 2019/20 Week Beginning 16th  September 2019



This week our attendance is 95%, again we have had over 55 pupils absent this week.

As you all know attendance is paramount to your child’s education, however if your child is unwell and cannot attend school please can you contact school and inform the office by 9am on the morning that your child will not be in school.

Failure to inform school will result in a home visit by our Child & Family Safeguarding Officer. If a home visit is carried out and there is no reply, school have no other option but to notify the Police and report it as a safeguarding concern.

For further information please see our Attendance Policy on the school website.


Holidays in Term Time

I fully understand why parents take their children out of school for financial implications and I realise school can’t help this situation as it is a national problem. Please can I just stress how much your children need to be in school. Taking them out of school does affect their learning. Please can we ask, where possible, that you take your children on holiday in their allocated 13 weeks annual leave.


Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Wednesday 25 th and Thursday 26 th September Bexhill Academy will be holding a coffee morning in support of The Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. We would like to invite you to join your child in the school hall at the following dates/times:

Wednesday 25th

Y1: 9-9.30am

Y2  9.40-10.10am

Reception: 10.10-10.40am

Nursery: 10.40-11.10am

2 year old provision/Nursery PM: 3-3.30pm


Thursday 26th

Year 3: 9-9.30am

Year 4.40-10.10am

Year 5: 10.10-10.40am

Year 6: 10.40-11.10am 


If you have children in more than one class, choose one session and then we will gather your family so you can enjoy it together, if you want to come to them separately that’s fine too.


If you can’t make it, you can either send an agreed adult in to meet your child or a donation and they can then enjoy a cake with the rest of their friends. In preparation for the event, we are asking for cake donations please. We would be thrilled to receive homemade and shop bought cupcakes, fruit loaves, chocolate cookies, lemon drizzle cakes and fairy cakes to name but a few. We respectfully ask that if cakes or biscuits contain nuts that they are labelled clearly, no peanuts please. Any free from cakes that are suitable for allergy sufferers are most welcome so everyone can enjoy a treat. Please deliver your cake donations to the school office after school on Tuesday 24th September. Last time you helped us to raise over £500 and this time we are hoping with your support and generosity that we can beat this and raise even more for this amazing charity!



Last week our Y4 children went swimming for the first time. Due to large number of pupils in this year group we felt the children did not get enough time in the water. Therefore, we have changed it and the classes will alternate on a weekly basis. Please see the following dates:

17.9.19 Mr Mullick’s

24.9.19 Mr Hill’s

1.10.19 Mr Mullick’s

8.10.19 Mr Hill’s

15.10.19 Mr Mullick’s

22.10.19 Mr Hill’s

4.11.19 Mr Mullick’s

11.11.19 Mr Hill’s

18.11.19 Mr Mullick’s

25.11.19 Mr Hill’s

3.12.19 Mr Mullick’s

10.12.19 Mr Hill’s


We recommend that every child brings their swimming costume, swimming cap and towel every week, and leave it on their hanger, in school for their next swimming session. This way children and parents

won’t forget their swimming kit.


Class DoJo

If you are a new parent at Bexhill or did not sign up to this last year, you should have had a code sent home. If you haven’t please let an adult know and we will help you get up and running.




These are not permitted in school for health and safety reasons. Please ensure they are taken out on for school each day.



Every week children compete for as many DOJos as they can get for good behaviour, attitude and work. They then trade them in our shop at the end of each term. On a weekly basis they compete in their family groups to see who has the most. This week the winner was Austen. Children in Y6 are busy writing speeches and presentations to  be house Captains, the rest of the school will then vote after hearing all the candidates. We will keep you posted.









10th - Y4 Swimming to start

25th/26th Macmillan Coffee Morning


8th - Harvest Festival (Y5)

24th Spooky Disco

25th - school closed for inset. Children off fo half term and return on the 4th November.


4th  - Poppies on sale

15th - Children in need Day


3rd /4th parents evening

6th - Reception Class Xmas Play

9th - Panto production in school

10th - Y1/2 Xmas Play

11th SEN reviews

12th Y3/4 Xmas Play

17th - Y5/6 Xmas Play

18th - Winter Wonderland

19th Xmas Party Day

20th - Break up for xmas Hols











