Bexhill Bulletin WB 20/5/19

Ruth WaltonLatest News

Bexhill Bulletin

Summer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 20th May


 Dear Parents and Carers, 

Wise Games

As you are aware all of our KS2 children are attended Gateshead International Stadium. Bexhill did ever so well and came first in the overall winners in the elite section. Children were presented this week in school with their medals.


The final payment for London was due today (£70). Please remember to complete:

  • Calpol letter
  • Declaration forms and emergency contact forms.
  • Come into school to complete a care plan if necessary (before or after school).
  • Send in an envelope £10 money for tea on the journey home.

If you were unable to attend the parent meeting we had


To launch our topic which is focusing on stories and support the ‘BookTrust’ charity we are going to take part in the pyjamarama event. We value the importance of reading and the impact of bedtime reading to a child and this event is to raise awareness of this. On Friday 7th June we would love it if your child could come in wearing their pyjamas (if they don’t wish to take part then they must come in wearing their uniform) with their favourite story. Throughout the day the children are going to make food and creative crafts linked to stories and then we are going to have some hot chocolate and bed time stories!

To support this charity please donate £1 and to support us in providing all of the food and creative materials, please donate an additional 50p(£1.50) altogether please.

Thank you for your continued support.



This week Mrs Potts has started her maternity leave. We will let you know when her bundle of joy arrives. Mrs Major (who currently job shares with Mrs Potts) is going to teach the class full time until the end of this summer term.


It’s that time of year again where the sun shines and little arms and faces get burnt! Please can you apply suncream at home. EYFS have had a separate letter regarding this.

For all other children they may need to top up during the day, so they can bring sun cream in (with their names on). Please train them to apply this themselves and staff will only intervene when necessary.


If you require new uniform for September, we urge you to do this sooner rather than later. This is to avoid disappointment and to ensure your uniform arrives in time. If you require more information about sizes etc then Emblematic will be at Town End Primary School on Tuesday 11th June (8:15-9:30 or 3:15-5:00 pm) You can order on this day and view their samples. All orders are with Emblematic and not school. You can of course order on their website directly.


This week we focused on a story called 1000 dresses. This linked to gender reassignment. The values we discussed this week were kindness, tolerance and resilience.

Half Term

Please remember that we break up today for half term and we come back to school on Tuesday 4th June.



This weeks attendance is 95%

Miss Hayne’ class won the attendance award with 100%  Well done everyone. 


Well done to Darling house House who won the cup this week by collecting so many Class Dojo’s!










18th- Reception parents topic launch
20th Nursery parents topic launch
26th - Macmillan Coffee Morning


2nd - Y5/6 trip to Beamish

15th - Photographer

16th October - Y1 phonics screening meeting

18th - (PM) Year 5 Harvest Festival

19th - Show Racism the red card day (Children to wear Red)

19th October -EYFS end event for parents  Breakup for half term
29th - INSET DAY
30th - Children return to school
30th - After School Spooky Disco

31st KS1 trip to Hartlepool Marina


5th November - Hand in unwanted clothes

16th - Children in Need Day

26th-30th -Half price book sale


4th Reception Trip

7th - Reception Nativity Show
11th - Pantomime in School
12th - Year 1-2 Christmas Show
13th - Nursery Christmas Wonderland Performance
14th - Christmas Jumper Day
14th - Year 3-4 Christmas Production
18th - Year 5-6 Christmas Show

19th School choir singing at the Bridges
20th - Christmas Party Day
21st - Break up for Christmas holidays


7th - Children return to school


11th-  Y6 Sats parent meeting

12th Feb - Valentines Disco

15th - Break up for half term 25th - INSET DAY
26th - Children return to school

       - EYFS- Forpaws


7th - World Book Day
11th - Scholastic Book Fair

15th - Red Nose Day



2nd April Nursery Trip

3rd - Y3 Easter Assembly

4th - Decorated Eggs to be in school

5th - Break up for Easter 23rd - Children Return to school

23rd/24th April Parents Evening


6th - Bank Holiday

13th Y6 Sats

17th London Meeting

20th - Wise Games (Y3-6)

24th - Break up for Half Term


3rd - INSET Day
4th - Children return to school


19th - Break up for Summer Holidays
