Bexhill BulletinAutumn Term 2019/20 Week Beginning 2nd September 2019 Welcome back! We hope you have all had a magnificent summer. We welcome into EYFS several new children and they have had a great first week in settling in. We also welcome several other children who have joined us in KS2. Building Work Over the summer we have had a …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 15/7/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 8th July 2019 Dear Parents and Carers, The Summer is finally here! I would like to thank you for your support over the year. The children have been on some incredible trips, took part in some amazing shows, achieved well in their results and were able to show OFSTED inspectors that we are on …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 8/7/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 8th July 2019 Dear Parents and Carers, School results Last week I reported our Y1 and Year 2 data. This week we are sharing our Early Years data. Incredibly, 71% of our children got to a good learning of development. This is in line with National Expectations. On Tuesday we obtained our Year 6 …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 1/7/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 1st July 2019 Diary Dear Parents and Carers, 2 weeks to go to the summer holiday and the days are very busy and hot! Transition You should now all know which teacher is going to be your child’s key worker in September, as the children brought this information home in a letter yesterday (Thursday). Children …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 24/6/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 24th June 2019 Diary Dear Parents and Carers, Apologies with the lateness of this weeks bulletin, but you may have seen on our facebook page that this week has been slightly hectic! Well done to all the children who were on resident ails this week (and last week in the Lakes), their behaviour was impeccable!!! …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 17/6/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 17th June 2019 Diary Dear Parents and Carers, Dear Parents and Carers, Sportsday (EYFS and KS1) Wednesday 17th July 2019 Your child needs to come into school in their full PE kit (purple t-shirt, black shorts and black plimsolls). If your child is in Nursery or Reception, the gates to the field will open at …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 10/6/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 10th June 2019 Diary Dear Parents and Carers, Sportsday (EYFS and KS1) Wednesday 18th July 2019 Your child needs to come into school in their full PE kit (purple t-shirt, black shorts and black plimsolls). If your child is in Nursery or Reception, the gates to the field will open at 9.15am for a 9.30am …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 3/6/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 3rd June 2019 Diary Dear Parents and Carers, Y6 Leavers Please note leavers assembly will take place at the Town End Club on the 16th July. It will take place on the afternoon and then there will be a celebration for the children after school. School are purchasing the children a hoodie each as a …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 20/5/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 20th May Diary Dear Parents and Carers, Wise Games As you are aware all of our KS2 children are attended Gateshead International Stadium. Bexhill did ever so well and came first in the overall winners in the elite section. Children were presented this week in school with their medals. London The final payment for London …
Bexhill Bulletin WB 13/5/19
Bexhill BulletinSummer Term 2018/19 Week Beginning 13th May Diary Dear Parents and Carers, Wise Games As you are aware all of our KS2 children are attending Gateshead International Stadium on Monday 20th May. Parents are welcome to attend. Please note that this WILL take place instead of our traditional School Sports Day (obviously Key Stage 1’s Sports day will go ahead as …